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主题:十九种语言演唱的国际歌(上) -- 梦里胡笳
Arise ye workers from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
在verycd群星 -《无产阶级的不朽战歌“国际歌”》(International)三十一种语言演唱这个页面提供的英文版国际歌里面采用的是第二种,旋律也用比尔·狄盖特(Pierre De Geyter)版。
哪种更好?我觉得见仁见智。第二版确实可操作性很强,至少唱起来可以成韵,但是为韵害义的地方很不少。譬如说第二版首联这个“tyrants”,英语国家人民显然直观的会联想到斯大林,或者国朝太祖,而不是那些大腹便便的资本家或工业巨头。极端一点说,把第二版通读一遍,除了“internationale”之外丝毫体现不出来是一首无产阶级革命的战歌,倒像是西方各种政治上正确观念的大集合。第一段提倡平等人权,第二段反种族隔离,第三段几乎是颜色革命了。尤其是“When we fight, provoked by their aggression, Let us be inspired by life and love”,时下的动漫新番也很少有这么弱智的。
曲倒在其次,因为欧仁·鲍狄埃(Eugène Pottier)作词的时候这歌是配马赛曲调唱的,现在的国际歌曲在欧仁·鲍狄埃去世一年以后才作成。私意以为如果不是因为马赛曲带有太多的一国一地色彩,究竟采用哪个曲调还很难讲。
Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
Stand up, all victims of oppression,
For the tyrants fear your might!
Don't cling so hard to your possessions,
For you have nothing if you have no rights!
Let racist ignorance be ended,
For respect makes the empires fall!
Freedom is merely privilege extended,
Unless enjoyed by one and all.
So come brothers and sisters,
For the struggle carries on.
The Internationale,
Unites the world in song.
So comrades, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The international ideal,
Unites the human race.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂日语版和英语版的,FYI 1 梦里胡笳 字233 2007-12-16 08:41:13
🙂英文版怎么这么矫情! 1 所以我才飞好远 字40 2007-12-16 07:57:20
🙂那个日语版的 laska 字36 2007-12-16 02:03:56