主题:【原创】市场经济的本质是价值观的市场化 -- 盲人泪
- 共: 💬 13 🌺 9
摘自 Confessions of an Economic hit man
the West-especially its leader, the U.S.-is determined to take control of all the world, to become the greatest empire in history. It has already gotten very close to succeeding. The Soviet Union currently stands in its way, but the Soviets will not endure. Toynbee could see that. They have no religion, no faith, no substance behind their ideology. History demonstrates that faith--soul, a belief in high powers-is essential. We muslims have it, We have it more than anyone else in the world, even more than the Christians. So we wait, we grow strong.
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🙂供同样是无法计划的 盲人泪 字196 2007-12-10 11:41:29
🙂供是绝对 可以计划的 zhanp 字38 2007-12-14 09:55:30
🙂【讨论】其实,我真正有疑问的是-------- 2 盲人泪 字871 2007-11-22 00:24:08
🙂愿意更进一步思考吗? 盲人泪 字74 2007-12-10 11:20:34
🙂试着回答一下 再闻鸡起舞 字198 2007-12-07 23:52:01
🙂我想,可能还不是我要的答案 盲人泪 字114 2007-12-10 11:34:21
🙂出价高不是回避市场,譬如钱学森先生对自己爱国的出价 再闻鸡起舞 字240 2007-12-10 18:57:32