
主题:【原创】享受马拉松——懒虫的2007年马拉松训练日记 -- 大懒虫1号

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家园 呵呵,我也去跑步了


心血来潮跑步的原因是下周有一场比赛,对手大约是到5.0的样子。虽说以前也和一些5.0 - 5.5的对手打过。但这个家伙运动健将出身,身体非常壮,发球非常棒,技术也很全面。估计是打不过,但俺输也要输个样子, 起码体力上不能输给他,争取用正手把他压在底线。呵呵,这家伙身高臂长,让他冲到网前恐怕俺凶多吉少。


Groin Stretch

While sitting upright with chest and head up, place legs in front with heels together. Press knees down with elbows while keeping hands on ankles. Keep back straight and lean in from hips; no "rounded" back.

Hamstring Stretch

While sitting, extend left leg with right leg bent, knee out and right foot touching left leg in quadriceps area. Lean in from the hips, pushing chest toward knee with hands extended to left foot. Do both sides.

Calf Stretch

Raise body off ground as in push-up, with hands forward, palms on ground. Cross feet, keeping bottom foot raised with balls of feet on ground, and other foot resting on top, to stretch lower leg. Do both sides.

Gluteus Stretch

While lieing on back with head on ground, pull knee to chest, with other leg extended. Do both sides.

Hip Stretch

While lieing on back with head on ground, cross right leg in front of left knee. Pull left knee toward chest with left hand at hamstring and push right knee with right hand, creating a stretch in the hip and butt. Do both sides.

Back Stretch

While lieing on back with head on ground, swing right leg over left leg with right knee toward ground. With right arm out to side and right shoulder on ground, press right knee with left hand while left leg is extended to stretch spinal area. Keep feet parallel. Do both sides.

Quadriceps Stretch

Stand straight with chest out and pull right leg back with both hands so heel touches butt. Keep knee perpendicular to ground. If necessary for balance, touch wall with left hand while pulling leg with right. Feel stretch in front of upper leg. Do both sides.


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