
主题:搞一个飞人推荐的股票扑周报,就当纸上炒股的周记…… -- 古狗肥腩死

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I closed all my hov positions

when it slided to 10 bucks a few days ago. I was thinking about loading up a few hundred hov sept 12.5 call, but didn't pin down this gamble. I also closed BSC puts yesterday with only a wee bit profit. I'm still holding a big position in BZH. No matter what's going on, i don't think they can weather the storm.

If hov rises up to 12 next week, i might enter some put positions again. It seems that hov may gyrate in this range for some time. On the other hand, i will get some BSC calendar put spread after FED meeting, as BSC is bound to fail in its 3rd quarter report thus it seems to be a winning play with high probability.


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