主题:关于具体股票的讨论 -- 倥偬飞人
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“We expect a deep recession beginning in 2008 and very possibly even a depression.
Accumulated misallocations of capital (largely the work of government intervention in the
economy) will be liquidated through bankruptcies, forced sales and corporate takeovers. It’s a
process that’s healthy in the long run, but while it’s happening, it hurts. It’s a kind of economic
tough love, and it’s the tough part that most people will notice. Many will suffer a significant drop in
their standard of living.”
尽管最近股市连日反弹,但是我对经济和市场前景的看法却更加明确。将于近日发表宏观方面的评论,首先会发给加入我的email list的朋友,然后再发表到西西河。
(如果想先一步了解我的看法,欢迎发电子邮件到[email protected],标题I want to fly!原先已经发过电子邮件到[email protected]的朋友,不必再发了,你会及时收到我的文章)
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂飞人兄,我没有收到你的email kingcu 字39 2007-09-06 19:18:45
🙂今天才看到这个帖子。恭喜飞人兄呀!买卖越做越大了! 1 锦候 字244 2007-09-04 22:48:47
🙂讲座已经爆满,呵呵 1 倥偬飞人 字332 2007-09-05 17:30:19
😅欢迎了解一下常见问题 2 倥偬飞人 字2472 2007-09-04 12:34:47
🙂正在加紧学习有关知识 月光光 字14 2007-09-04 13:37:12
😅请注意:9月2日已经通过电邮发出第一封信 2 倥偬飞人 字361 2007-09-03 00:29:54
🙂飞人兄,我没有收到你的email 如临深渊 字23 2007-09-04 13:30:30