
主题:【呼吁】请关注一下《南京梦魇》的困境 -- OldBadBug

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Dr. Joseph回信: 目前的尴尬的处境

发信人: system (系统管理员), 信区: ebiz

标 题: 收到Dr. Joseph回信 解释了目前的尴尬的处境

发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 19 00:16:40 2007)

这封email解释了为什么维持影片在线,制作日文版那么困难。看以前的有关文章,一般人不会意识到这些。要救这部片子只有更多的人知道才行,人多力量大,希望大家能帮助广为转发。 俺没时间,有人能帮助翻译成中文么转给国内论坛么。

Greetings, Thank you for the donation and the kind words of support.

I have met with many problems that I never anticipated. I had always expected the film to pay for itself. My intention was to offer it online for free but also sell the DVD. Unfortunately, we were turned down by every DVD distributor in China and in the US!! I never expected a problem in China. But the answer is no to TV, no to Theater, and no to DVD. In the US, without distribution, I can't sell to bookstores, libraries, etc. Licensing fees for some of the music will expire soon. These fees were very expensive and I had to negotiate and negotiate some more. With some licenses the only way I could get the cost down was to agree to a limited time period which will expire soon. I expected that with DVD sales I could help pay the renewal fees.

So, the film can't pay for itself, it can't pay for the renewal of licensing fees, and then there is the matter of the website with gets so much traffic that I have to pay high fees for high bandwidth use.

And then there are the threats, such as "you will die like Iris Chang" or "you should die like Iris Chang."

It is very stressful to get these messages.

And then there is the problem with the Japanese edition. We hired a person to narrate and we paid high fees for the translation. Then it turned out the translation was not done properly. As to the person we hired to narrate in Japanese, we also paid for her plane tickets to California. However, all she wanted was a free vacation and when she arrived it was a complete disaster, a complete waste of money and time.

So, there have been a lot of problems. It makes me want to escape.

Fortunately, in the last few days many people have come forward to help. If enough money is donated, then I can take care of the rest of the fees. So, I think the film is safe.

Thanks for your support,


R. Joseph, Ph.D.


不想评论其他论坛或挑起论坛间矛盾。 但忍不住请各位看一下下面这个连接。 8月2号就有人把捐款贴发在MITBBS的“牛屎”版,被很多中国人讽刺的不行。原帖已经删掉了,但是google cache里还有。


一叹! 难怪Joseph的公开信会那么写!


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