主题:【原创】熊死蹬有机可乘? -- 倥偬飞人
- 共: 💬 54 🌺 36
I sell my put position in BSC, RYL and CFC. I bought them five trading days ago. For these guys, I gain around 50%. I am still holding HOV JAN 10.0 put, it makes 20% now, but I am betting on much larger gain. Stick to it, buddy. Let us drink the blood of HOV for celebration.
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🙂借宝地敢问飞人兄 阿泥 字118 2007-08-10 01:51:26
🙂不敢妄言,姑且猜测 2 混天球 字652 2007-08-10 03:12:57
🙂多谢您的回复,已经献花 阿泥 字46 2007-08-10 03:25:37
🙂How is everything going?
🙂Not as good as you, but not bad 阿泥 字319 2007-08-15 01:42:21
🙂可以尝试两面战术 2 倥偬飞人 字370 2007-08-10 11:10:32
🙂死熊这几天蹬了两把 红绿 字90 2007-08-08 08:40:23
😄恭喜恭喜,上花上花 阿泥 字94 2007-08-04 01:38:09