
主题:【美国政局】前财政部长O‘NEILL指薯仔是个瞎子 -- 西风陶陶

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家园 【演出开始乐] 驴子们



Democratic presidential contenders pose for a photo in Des Moines, Iowa January 11, 2004 prior to the final debate before the Iowa caucuses. L-r are Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt, Rev. Al Sharpton, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Amb. Carol Moseley Braun and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean. Dean and Gephardt were locked in a near dead heat for the top spot, according to a Reuters/MSNBC/Zogby poll released on Sunday. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

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