主题:忘却牛熊之争,迎接股市挑战 -- 倥偬飞人
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ON WEDNESDAY night about midnight, Australian time, the world changed, maybe forever.
On Wednesday night the world took a fork in the path to the future that will see a return to a world that most people alive have never experienced. A world of hardship, credit squeezes, of long periods of negative growth and mass unemployment. Of recession and of depression, busts countering booms. Of economic cycles that have, since the advent of capitalism, been the norm.
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🙂忘却牛熊之争,迎接股市挑战 12 倥偬飞人 字1016 2007-07-15 00:02:14
🙂會否演變成當年LTCM的翻版 修竹 字401 2007-07-30 20:38:28
🙂50% loss or 10%?? 小砖头房 字254 2007-07-31 06:26:59
🙂咳咳,第二次蛙跳,买少了一点。 1 面包车 字116 2007-07-30 10:54:53
🙂请问老兄是今天close put 兑现盈利, 还是买进put 1 小试牛刀 字72 2007-07-30 14:12:40
🙂还是不动为好 面包车 字34 2007-07-31 13:34:15
🙂少买也没有什么不好,套点现金,风险就更小了 1 倥偬飞人 字56 2007-07-30 11:25:35