
主题:本来不想说,但是不说不快 -- 倥偬飞人

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big ego

I am amused by your big ego. If my memory is correct, you have been calling market crash/world depression since last October.I am sure someday you will finally get it right, but not this year, probably not next year, maybe 2009 maybe 2010.

Is Buffet really buying HOV? Maybe this is just rumor. But I wouldn't be surprised as now everybody hates home builder(50% short of float for HOV; 9 days to cover shorts) and I see some value at this level. In inflation environment, home builder's major assets, land, has appealing to value investors. Also there is a huge advantage for home builders : you cannot outsource home building to india or china.This is essentially a protected market.

I think the sub-prime issue will be contained. While everyone is a bubble expert now, by PE/Divident yield, a lot of markets are still reasonably priced. Given the strong growth outside US, I see most of the markets higher than now by year end. Some, india/taiwan/thailand, will be significantly higher.


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