主题:【英文炒股讨论欣赏:随时增补】版主给个面子,让它留在这儿吧…… -- 古狗肥腩死
- 共: 💬 20 🌺 13
just bought a gallon of milk now $4 its only a matter of TIME.
Come on now, milk doesn't count :)
Ben doesn't drive, heat or cool his house, drink milk eat cheese or ice cream and he certainly doesn't eat food, he runs on rechargeable batteries and plugs into the nearest utility pole when he's running low. He is more concerned with the price of Chips, no not potato, than he is with the price of food or oil ;)
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😄【英文炒股讨论欣赏:随时增补】版主给个面子,让它留在这儿吧…… 1 古狗肥腩死 字1934 2007-04-27 13:48:51
😁没治了,连哈佛基金都亏了!!! 古狗肥腩死 字1012 2007-08-06 13:54:15
🙂这个对牛弹琴的翻译强啊,花 物是 字0 2007-07-13 21:16:23
🙂半加仑牛奶就是$4 轻步兵 字0 2007-07-13 20:55:04
🙂食品涨价是因为美国玉米价格疯涨 燕双飞 字252 2007-07-12 13:22:54
🙂【新闻】可爱的八肥:我交的税比我的秘书和清洁工比例都低!!! 古狗肥腩死 字351 2007-06-29 11:54:38
🙂这只能说明中产阶级税率太高,最公平的就是单一税率 轻步兵 字34 2007-06-30 07:58:03