
主题:【英文炒股讨论欣赏:随时增补】版主给个面子,让它留在这儿吧…… -- 古狗肥腩死

  • 共: 💬 20 🌺 13

Blood bath just beginning

from link:

"Greenspan warned of ``froth'' in the real estate market in 2005, before leaving the central bank in January 2006."

Fuck you Greenspan. You created this damn nightmare scenario...the dot com bubble was not enough for you, so create a housing bubble for the rich to get richer and inflate homes to absorb multiples of normal income.

The stupid overbuilding of ugly boxes has eaten up millions of acres of farms and woods that would still be standing. They would have been developed at more slow, normal rate.

Half the illegal rain forest logging would not have occurred either as we ravenous consumers wanted exotic kitchen floors.

The illegal immigrant influx of homebuilding 'workers' would have been much less also- IF YOU HAD NOT PUT IN PLACE THE POLICIES FOR HOUSING BUBBLE TO OCCUR.

so Greenie you are far from blameless and deserve NO PRAISE for anything in my book.






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