
主题:【原创】东风与西风(一) -- 晨枫

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家园 哦,没想到,不是维基开放了吗?


John Cantius Garand (January 1, 1888 – February 16, 1974) was a designer of firearms most famous for creating the first semi-automatic rifle to be put into active military service, the M1 Garand.

Garand was born in St. Rémi, Quebec, and moved as a child to rural Connecticut. He attended school until he was twelve years old, and then became employed in a textile mill, where he was later promoted to machinist. After gaining the necessary experience, he was hired at a tool factory in Providence, Rhode Island.

His fondness for machinery and target shooting blended naturally into a hobby of designing guns, which however took a more vocational turn in 1917. That year the United States Army took bids on designs for a light machine gun, and Garand's design was eventually selected by the War Department. Garand was appointed to a position with the United States Bureau of Standards with the task of perfecting the weapon. The first model was not built until 1919, too late for use in World War I, but the government kept Garand on in a position as consulting engineer with the Springfield Armory.

In this position he was tasked with designing a semiautomatic infantry rifle. After several preliminary designs, and quite a bit of detail work, stretching over fifteen years, to perfect the model to Army specifications, the resulting M1 Garand was patented by Garand in 1934 and began mass production in 1936.

For his work with the Springfield Armory, Garand was awarded the Medal for Meritorious Service in 1941, and the Medal for Merit in 1944. Garand never received any royalties from his design. A bill was introduced in Congress to award him $100,000 in appreciation, but did not pass. Garand remained in his consulting position until his retirement in 1953, and died in Springfield, Massachusetts.

The pronunciation of the name Garand is often an issue. It is pronounced variably as 'guh-RAND' and 'GARE-end.' While many would disagree, descendants of John Garand along with close friend Julian Hatcher generally agree it should indeed rhyme with 'errand.' The former pronunciation, however, is the more common though technically incorrect pronunciation.

加兰德出生在加拿大魁北克,孩童时全家搬家到康耐迪格州,上学上到12岁,就近纺织厂工作了,一直做到机修工。然后到罗德岛的一个机械工具厂工作。他快机械和射击,开始业余设计枪。1917年时,美国陆军招标设计轻机枪,加兰德的设计入选。军方把他找到国家标准局,继续完善机枪的设计,但机枪知道1919年才最后完成,错过了一战。军方把他留下,在Springfield兵工厂继续工作。在这里,他花了15年时间,最后设计出M1 Garand半自动步枪。加兰德没有为自己的设计得到过任何专利费,国会曾试图通过决议,授予10万美元作为嘉奖,但没有通过。加兰德在53年在Springfield逝世。

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