主题:大户布下天仙局?股市一个月之后爆破? -- 倥偬飞人
- 共: 💬 38 🌺 37
a trend. Data will not go down every month on the way, sometimes you will see a spike but that will not change the downward trend.
M&A does not add any value to the economy, most of them fail in terms of performance afterwards, just like Daimler+Chrysler.
Job data predicted by a private agency is very bad, less than 70k, worse than last month. (Maybe the government number will be window-dressed again, pathetic!)
Calls(strike 15/June) of $VIX still holds up very well - if everything is so good, what is the market worrying about? This call should be down big time today if the economy is as good as those liars paint to be.
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🙂硬着陆机会很大 1 倥偬飞人 字108 2007-05-02 09:05:49
🙂动摇了,真的好牛 1 切萨皮克湾 字121 2007-05-02 09:09:08
🙂交易量不大,涨势不会持久,MM大概在高端出货。 宁子 字0 2007-05-02 11:07:06
🙂One month data does not make
😁干脆给这种先“牛”后“熊”的市场起个名字,叫做“猪”市! 李根 字119 2007-05-02 09:22:28
🙂经济规律不是以人的意志为转移的 1 倥偬飞人 字104 2007-05-01 10:35:20
🙂在几个月到十几个月的短期内,股市是可以随人的意志为转移的 2 宁子 字156 2007-05-01 11:26:37
🙂Do not trade against the market, 1 uphere 字343 2007-05-01 15:35:45