
主题:【原创】三位数盈利榜之三:CRM -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 微软今年第三季度就推出产品直接竞争CRM

CRM预计到2009年1月才能把PE降低到60多倍,他们没有把微软的竞争考虑进去吧??CRM针对的也是小企业,而微软对小企业的渗透力哪里是CRM可以比得上的?还有一点,商业经验上来讲,所谓first mover往往也是first to die,这个也不是杜撰的历史。

Microsoft's competitor to Salesforce.com due out in 3Q

PrintDisable live quotesRSSDigg itDel.icio.usBy John Letzing

Last Update: 6:20 PM ET Mar 14, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Microsoft Corp. said Wednesday that its hosted business software product designed to directly compete with Salesforce.com Inc., code-named "Titan," will be available "beginning in the third quarter of 2007." Titan, officially called Microsoft Dynamics CRM, is software hosted on the Internet that enables businesses to perform tasks such as tracking customers and sales. Salesforce.com

CRM43.14, +0.02, +0.0%) has become the best known purveyor of such hosted software for businesses. Salesforce.com chief executive Marc Benioff has derided Microsoft's effort to encroach on its market, referring publicly to Titan as "Titanic" in the past. Wlliam Blair & Co. analyst Laura Lederman wrote in a note published late Wednesday that Titan "will compete directly with salesforce.com... in the low end of the market (companies with 20 or fewer users)." Lederman wrote that "a few years ago Microsoft did not consider salesforce.com to be a major CRM competitor, but today it certainly does."

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